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Universal Robina Corporation

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Clarence Reily Cusap

Manufacturing Management Trainee at Universal Robina Corporation

Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering), Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) at University of the Philippines

There’s so much to learn that I get overwhelmed at times but I get that satisfaction when you figure out how the equipment works. It really gets me going and you really get to learn something new every day.

5.00 AM

My alarm sets off. I wake up but roll around the bed for five more minutes. Go fix the bed and do some exercises, just light ones. All things needed for the day have already been prepared the night before so I just do a quick check before taking a bath. I get dressed and enjoy a hearty breakfast. I usually leave home at around 6.00 am to get into the shuttle and get off to work.

URC Graduate - Young professional sitting inside the car.
7.30 AM

Finally, here at the plant!  We usually arrive around this time so I have an ample amount of time to settle in. I head to the lockers, change into my GMP uniform, maybe grab a quick bite (Yes, I already had breakfast but sometimes you need two) or coffee then go to the office. 

URC Building
So, a really quick run-through of what my position entails (Kinda late for this intro but necessary so it is easier to relate how my day goes). I am a Manufacturing Management Trainee (MT) immersed and trained in all the departments in the plant which aims for holistic development as I take on my role in the future as a supervisor. An approach to gain insight not only within the plant but the whole integrated supply chain and in turn, the business’s key objectives. I have already gone through training in Quality Assurance, Finance, Safety, and Logistics (That was a mouthful hahaha). Currently, I am in my production immersion.

URC Graduate - Young professional showing his shoes.

8.00 AM

I start my day by checking my emails and my calendar for scheduled meetings and training throughout the day. Given most of them are online, I’ve got to say that it can be a convenience and a hassle at times but I’ll get to that later. After checking my schedule, I update my daily and weekly to-do lists.

URC Graduate - Young professional sitting on his desk. 
8.45 AM

Time to go inside the production for a meeting! The meeting involves general updates of the current status of production from quality, quantity, and utilities in simpler terms. Action plans are also discussed in the meeting and are attended by the different departments that support the production department.

URC Plant Waferline Entrance
9.00 AM

After the meeting, I usually proceed to the production area to get updates and help work out the items agreed upon during the meeting with the supervisors. I also have learning sessions with the operators about the process and the equipment they handle. There’s so much to learn that I get overwhelmed at times but I get that satisfaction when you figure out how the equipment works. It really gets me going and you really get to learn something new every day.
12.00 PM

Lunchtime! I had fried chicken! It’s the simple things that bring the most joy to your day (Yes, it’s the fried chicken). A little chit-chat here and there, I enjoy this time with my co-workers before we go about our day. 
1.00 PM

Back to the office, now for an online meeting. I did say I’ll get back to the topic about such meetings being online. I just want to say how much more fun things would be if it was face-to-face (Health and safety is the priority so we make do). The convenient part is that you get to interact with other people you don’t usually get to be with so you get to learn more from more than one perspective. 

URC Graduate - Young professional at a virtual meeting with his colleagues.

2.00 PM

I have mentoring sessions with my plant manager on a weekly basis and today is one of those days. I get to share my insights and experiences as I go through my immersion as well as aligning on what are my areas for improvement. Sometimes, it’s not all about work. We share laughs, life lessons, and things that we look forward to.

URC Graduate - Young professional at a virtual coaching session.

3.00 PM

Now, I get on to making progress reports and finish what’s left of my daily to-do list. Of course, I’d take a little break first to rest my eyes and cross off the other things I’ve already finished before moving on.

URC Graduate - Young professional sitting on his desk.
5.00 PM

It may look like too much is going on this day of mine but I still feel surprised when I realize that the day is over. Time flies faster than you think, especially when you are focused on what you do. Whew. What a day though! Let’s go home!
URC Graduate - Young professional infront of the URC building.