Multimedia Specialist - Writer at
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism Studies) at University of Santo Tomas
6:00 AM
Rise and shine! I woke up either on my own or to the blaring sound of my alarm. Either way, it’s time to get ready for today’s work!
6:15 AM
Meditate. I do a quick mindfulness meditation to ground and align myself. Inhale positivity, exhale negativity — with some manifestations and affirmations on the side, of course!
6:30 AM
Time for an hour-long bath. Yes, I sing in the shower! Is that the reason why I take too long a bath? Maybe.
7:30 AM
It’s time for breakfast! I grab a quick bite of yesterday’s leftovers (because why not) or spruce up a sandwich from things I see in our fridge. Nothing too over the top, really. Though, I’d never forget my coffee!
8:00 AM
Work mode: on. Time to catch up on some emails or messages I might’ve gotten from yesterday that I wasn’t able to read or attend to.
9:00 AM
Time for some briefs! I check my to-do list for anything I need to finish writing today or any research I have to do for my articles or content copies I have to produce.
9:10 AM
The writing begins. At this point, I know what topic/s I have to write about, including the slants from our clients or from my manager that are written on our online boards.
Usually, I never write in eerie silence. I always turn up the music which gives me the extra ~zing!~ I need to get my mind running. My recommendation? Go for upbeat songs that don’t have as many lyrics that can distract you. Genres like EDM, Pop Rock, or Hyperpop will be your best bet.
11:00 AM
Writers’ touchpoint! Working during the pandemic and in a work-from-home environment means that I cannot be in the office with my manager and co-workers. So, every week, we schedule an hour-long meeting where we discuss assignments, ongoing campaigns or projects, all with a little catch-up session on the side to check up on each other. Though we’re (relatively) far from each other, it’s in meetings like this where we still feel together!
12:00 PM
Lunch break! I’m fortunate enough to still live with my parents so my lunch is something I don’t have to worry about. As a fresh graduate who immediately started working, being under my parents’ wings gives me the opportunity to slowly build up my independence.
Though, let’s be honest, there’s no better meal than our parents’ cooking, right? 🍲😋
1:00 PM
Back to work! I usually continue writing immediately after lunch. As a writer, there isn’t really much to do other than face my laptop and clickety-type on the keyboard. Besides, much of the scenarios, ideas, and even debates are all inside a writer’s head.
Is a thought experiment a good thing to use in my article? How about using metaphors or analogies? Should I use “equanimity” in this sentence or opt for a less highfalutin word? Someone throw me the dictionary!
4:00 PM
Final meeting for today! I attend a quick virtual meeting with my co-workers and, sometimes, with our bosses to have a quick catch up on how we are doing. We also sometimes play online games or talk about any creative execution or trends on social media that we find interesting.
5:00 PM
Time to clock out! I’ve only been working for a few months now and the feeling of clocking-in and clocking-out honestly feels! I just wanna be a kid forever! Haha!
6:00 PM
Scroll through social media. Gen Zs like me is branded as people who live on social media. They call it “bad,” I call it connected! Besides, isn’t it fun to see what your peers are doing? Also, everything you need to know about the world is on social media — including the news! What’s not to love? 📱
7:00 PM
Dinner! I really don’t have a thing for dinner so I just grab whatever I can see and munch on it. Boring, I know. 😂
8:00 PM
Time to read up! Good writers must also be good readers. Where there is output, there must be an input. So, I see to it that I read a book or articles for at least an hour every day. For books, I usually go for young-adult fiction novels or nonfiction books (think: self-help, biographies, how-to, A explains B). For articles, it’s always the lifestyle blogs that get my attention.
9:00 PM
Time to shut everything down — and that includes me! Around this time, I’m already quite sleepy so I unplug my laptop, tablet, phone and put them all on silent mode. I won’t allow my sleep to be interrupted by a random social media notification! Good night world! See you again tomorrow!