What is a medical post-graduate internship and what are the best ways to prepare for one? Here are some things you need to know before applying for one.
Now that most work is online, we need to find ways to digitize internal processes. Workflow apps are ideal as they maximize productivity within remote teams.
Nowadays, it’s common for Filipinos to have work-from-home jobs. As companies run online, job applicants should rethink the questions they ask in interviews.
On-the-job training (OJT) programs can be intimidating, especially as a young, curious student finding meaningful work.
The best way to face these career worries is to prepare for them. Here are 5 best practices to prepare for your next OJT.
When people ask you what you want to do when you haven’t yet entered the workforce, it’s a bit like them expecting you to be able to order from a restaurant without having seen the menu.
Ever thought of making a little bit of money on the side? In this day and age, the key to having financial security while having a little bit more for your personal wants is to have an alternate stream of income. The best of these is through passive income which is income earned form sources you do not have to actively manage.
Senior high school and university students are usually expected to take up OJTs or on-the-job training programs for their classes or course subjects.
While OJTs may seem like just another school requirement, taking them seriously can make or break your career journey.
Based on our own corporate experience, jumping ship every chance you get isn’t the path to quick progression. Instead, we recommend this 7-step process for all new graduates.